“A seat in TEDxJakarta changed my life..”.
Well, not literally since i got no seat there. I was sitting
on the carpet floor watching speaker by speaker presenting their hidden gems.
But hell yeah, it was a moment that changed my life. Or at least, the way i see
my life now.
I knew TED from my dear friend Timotius Wibowo. About 8
years ago he introduced me to TEDGlobal, and since then i started to let myself
get inspired by those podcasts. Then i heard that Jakarta had its own TEDx. An
independently organized event of it. And when i moved here to Jakarta, i began
to understand why destiny took me to get to know David Irianto, a graphic
designer of ELLE magazine. He was the one who brought me to TEDxJakarta. He is
one of TEDxJakarta creative members, and he let me to be one of the volunteer
to help this TEDxJakarta April event being set up. And then the story went from
I only knew David, when firstly attended the meeting. In a
minute i felt like i was a total stranger, listening to those crowdy people talking,
laughing and sometimes shouting about many things i didn't understand. I just
sat there staring at them. But i tried to keep attending to the upcoming
meetings, and slowly but sure i felt better. I felt like i’m no more an
outsider. Got a few acquintances there, and starting to feel the rhythm. But
because i’m ‘only’ a volunteer, who didnt have any important role but to help
setting up all the stuffs needed on the ‘IT’ day, i began to be less care to my
commitment, and started to ask, “do they really need me?”.
3 days to the big day, our mind and time and energy were
pushed to pay more attention to TEDx. I went to the venue after my working
hours, got some briefings and arranged some stuffs there, and the next day
(where it was suppossed to be weekend)
we worked to set up the stage and equipments for almost half of full
There, i started to see something caught my eyes. Somehow,
being occupied and tired moving one stuff from here to there made me.. happy. I
felt important, i felt the teamwork, i felt we were there for the same cause,
for one goal: to serve others. To present the best for the attendees of the
event tomorrow. It suddenly made me feel that i was useful. That i have a
purpose to be there with the rest of the other volunteers.
Then the big day came. We spent the whole day from early
morning to make sure everything went well and facilitate enough all the
attendees and of course, we were allowed to enjoy the show J
I must say, ALL the speakers in TEDxJakarta that day were
amazing! We may barely know them as they weren’t as famous as Agnes Monica or
Krisdayanti. But we never knew that they were holding a big role in our
country, and they inspired people with what they were doing in their life. They
inspired me. By all they do, by presenting their ideas, their idealism, their
concern, passion, and what they fight with all their lives.
A seat in TEDxJakarta opened my eyes to too many things i
didn’t realise before. There is more in this life than just earning big money
and be a well-known person. A seat in TEDxJakarta made me realised, that life
is beautiful when we are useful to others, when we serve others without asking
for something in return, when we see how people are enthusiastic about engaging
the same idea they have, when we work together hand in hand for the same goal
and direction, when we less care about ourselves and think more about other
people around us, when we see that our commitment is starting to bear fruits,
and when we know that life is worthwhile when you can inspire others, not
because of who you are but because of what you do can impact and make people’s
life to be at a better level.
When i finished helping unloading all the goods and
equipments that night, i let my mind wander a little bit too far as i was
driving heading to home. “What if one day, i get a chance to be at the TED stage
and speak? What will i speak about? Will it be something worth listening to?
Will what i share inspire the audience? Will it change someone’s life?”.
Then i soon realised, right now, i still haven’t had one
thing that i completely know and sure about, that it become my idealism, my
passion, my true calling. Something that i really love doing, something that i
know i am created to do this, something to be my ultimate direction, something that
useful for the others, something that can make people’s life (at least, a
little bit) better, something that when i stand there on the TED stage and talk
about it, people will nod their heads, humming agreely, and say, “a seat in TED
listening to Crista Priscilla, has really changed my life.”
I want to change others perspectives, i want to change
others lives. But right now, first, i know, i have to change my own perspective
on how i see life, i have to change the way i live, and yeah...
I have to change my very own life. First.
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